Sunday, December 31, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Look who won the Food Ladee/Dood Award!!
hehehe - it wuz Luxor's lovely fuddy duddy Daddy!!.....looks like he tastes good too!! He sounds ever so nice, almost as nice as our daddy.......
Well done to Lux's wonderful daddy!!
charlie and pandora

Well done to Lux's wonderful daddy!!
charlie and pandora
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Our Secret Paw
We opened our Secret Paw yesterday on Kittymas........
It was from Dazey in Iowa, Mericky.
It was a Kittymas Stocking.
Inside was loads of toys! I gots lots of balls, some pink, some red, some blue (I love balls), even one wiff fevvers (I love fevvers even more!!),
and it had a nip sack wiff Santa Paws on the front (I have never been a niphead, but there's always a first time!), and it had mousies in it too......a blue one and a pink one......

s'ok, I'll have this mousie, please Mama.....

and it's even nice to sleep with...
Mine.........all mine!!
fanks, Dazey! charlie
humph! charlie opened the Paw without me........
humph! charlie opened the Paw without me........
and it's even nice to sleep with...
thanks Dazey [big feline smile]
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
charlie: Is it Kittymas yet??
Mama cq: No, charlie.....
charlie: Can we open our Paw now?
Mama cq: No, charlie.......
charlie: Mum, this feels odd.....
Mama cq: I've upgraded your blog.......let's see how you get on........
charlie: [mutter] new blog [mutter] no Paw...........what's the photo, Mum?
Mama cq: A game for your friends - Spot the Kitty Cat!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Secret Paw Time!!
[Does Little Kitty Dance]
It's here! It's here!
The postieman camed and brought our Secret Paw! It's from Dazey all the way in Mericky!!
Pandora's sleeping so I hadded a good sniff. Did Dazey leave her stinky rub on it - or is that postieman I can smells?
It's here! It's here!

Can I open it now? Can I? Can I?
Mama cq: No Charlie, it's going under the tree with all the other gifts until Christmas
But Mum!! Kittymas is four days away! That's like........[counts on paws] a gazillion sleeps away!
humph. I think I'll go wake up Pandy by jumping on her!
Monday, December 18, 2006
Message from Skeezix!!
I think EVERYONE should enter (if they haven't already) because all our humans deserve to win!! AND, it's for a good cause!! (Plus you get great prizes!!)
Today is the deadline for TWO Kitty Kontests n Award Thingies!
Food Lady/Dood of the Yeer Award
Monday at midnite is the dedline for nominayshuns for the Food Lady/Dood of the Yeer Award being run by Skeezix!
If we can git 50 nominayshuns, Brandi's Mom, Libby Marie's Mom and Oreo's Mom will eech git $50. Only ten to go........
GRATE prizes have just bin added!
Go to
Today is the deadline for TWO Kitty Kontests n Award Thingies!
Food Lady/Dood of the Yeer Award
Monday at midnite is the dedline for nominayshuns for the Food Lady/Dood of the Yeer Award being run by Skeezix!
If we can git 50 nominayshuns, Brandi's Mom, Libby Marie's Mom and Oreo's Mom will eech git $50. Only ten to go........
GRATE prizes have just bin added!
Go to
Friday, December 15, 2006
Discipline - CQ style

ahhhh, that's better..............[pushes branch aside] [wriggles comfortably]
Huh? Wassat??? eek!!
WATER?? I hate water!!
Mama cq: Charlie, you climb my tree, you will be sprayed - your choice.
I can't promise I'll be good, Mum, but I'll try.......see?
[mutters] water!! Honestly..............
Pandora: woo hoo!! The brat is being disciplined!! [BIG feline grin]
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Bean TeeVee!!
I have found the perfect place I can strut my fluffie stuff and Mum and Dad can see me proper and admire my amazing fluffieness.....
It's such fun, I can walk all the round the pikshur box and surprise them on the other side......and then I stands in front of the moving pikshur and they talks to me 'Get down, Charlie', 'come on, Charlie', 'We can't see, Charlie'........ I likes being the centre of attention....
Wasn't Daddy nice to buy me this new TeeVee - or as I call it, climbing frame..?
It's such fun, I can walk all the round the pikshur box and surprise them on the other side......and then I stands in front of the moving pikshur and they talks to me 'Get down, Charlie', 'come on, Charlie', 'We can't see, Charlie'........ I likes being the centre of attention....
Wasn't Daddy nice to buy me this new TeeVee - or as I call it, climbing frame..?
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Kitty Glitter
Important!! Go visit our Spanish fur-iend, Luna. Her mommy is going to bean hospital tomorrow for surgery.......Mum says that's cutting you open wiff a knife. Luna is scareded and her daddy is scareded and her mommy is scareded. We hopes she gets better soon. We is purraying for her.
More from Uncle bionicdwarf - this could be my story....I think Mum is thinking of putting up that tree wiff all the glittery stuff again!
This is a wonderful time of year when the humans decorate the home for us cats in anticipation of the visit from "Santa Claws." The tree went up yesterday, and so did we! Whee! Made it to the fourth branch within the first five minutes before the Big Owner chased us out of the tree.
So, as we do every year, we waited and watched the humans decorate the Cat-mas tree with all sorts of these things humans call "ornaments."We call them "cat toys."
Ornaments are invitations to a cat, bright and shiny spheres just daring us to knock them off. And we're pretty good at it, considering all the trees they've decorated.
Every year humans hang the ornaments a little higher out of our range, forcing us to elevate our game to knock them off. Humans "ohhh and ahhh" as they decorate the Cat-mas tree. Us? We salivate in anticipation of the night's activities.
The humans retire to bed, as is custom during Cat-mas season, leaving us to play with our tree.
Tonight is a challenge, the ornaments are at an all-time high. We crept under the tree and began to scale branches. This is great! A tree in our own home, why don't they do this year-round? Five, six, seven branches, we climb like a pro. Ten, twelve, we are halfway to the top, and there is the first ornament! This is easy as Cat-mas fruitcake.
We make our way down the branch approaching the first ornament. It lightly jiggles as our weight causes the bough to bend. Almost there! One paw away and we feel a shudder. Hey, something is not right here, we begin to lose our balance. The room is tilting! No, the room is not tilting ... the Cat-mas tree is falling! ME-OW!!
It seemed like forever as the tree leaned, then pitched, and finally crashed to the floor in a resounding bang of explodingbulbs, ornaments, and broken limbs. We quickly extricated ourselves from the splintered tree just as the Big Owner came bursting in snapping on the lights and talking excitedly.
There we were, sitting next to the tree, as innocent a look on our faces as any other in the household.
"What happened?" he growled.
Not a peep from us, we turned and looked at the tree.
"I guess we hung too many ornaments on one side of the tree," we heard him say later as he hoisted the mangled Cat-mas tree back into place.
"Goo-ood answer," we thought.
The Big Owner staggered off to bed, and we retreated to the living room. Maybe we'll tear down those stockings that were hung by the chimney "with care".
It was a good day.
More from Uncle bionicdwarf - this could be my story....I think Mum is thinking of putting up that tree wiff all the glittery stuff again!
This is a wonderful time of year when the humans decorate the home for us cats in anticipation of the visit from "Santa Claws." The tree went up yesterday, and so did we! Whee! Made it to the fourth branch within the first five minutes before the Big Owner chased us out of the tree.
So, as we do every year, we waited and watched the humans decorate the Cat-mas tree with all sorts of these things humans call "ornaments."We call them "cat toys."
Ornaments are invitations to a cat, bright and shiny spheres just daring us to knock them off. And we're pretty good at it, considering all the trees they've decorated.
Every year humans hang the ornaments a little higher out of our range, forcing us to elevate our game to knock them off. Humans "ohhh and ahhh" as they decorate the Cat-mas tree. Us? We salivate in anticipation of the night's activities.
The humans retire to bed, as is custom during Cat-mas season, leaving us to play with our tree.
Tonight is a challenge, the ornaments are at an all-time high. We crept under the tree and began to scale branches. This is great! A tree in our own home, why don't they do this year-round? Five, six, seven branches, we climb like a pro. Ten, twelve, we are halfway to the top, and there is the first ornament! This is easy as Cat-mas fruitcake.
We make our way down the branch approaching the first ornament. It lightly jiggles as our weight causes the bough to bend. Almost there! One paw away and we feel a shudder. Hey, something is not right here, we begin to lose our balance. The room is tilting! No, the room is not tilting ... the Cat-mas tree is falling! ME-OW!!
It seemed like forever as the tree leaned, then pitched, and finally crashed to the floor in a resounding bang of explodingbulbs, ornaments, and broken limbs. We quickly extricated ourselves from the splintered tree just as the Big Owner came bursting in snapping on the lights and talking excitedly.
There we were, sitting next to the tree, as innocent a look on our faces as any other in the household.
"What happened?" he growled.
Not a peep from us, we turned and looked at the tree.
"I guess we hung too many ornaments on one side of the tree," we heard him say later as he hoisted the mangled Cat-mas tree back into place.
"Goo-ood answer," we thought.
The Big Owner staggered off to bed, and we retreated to the living room. Maybe we'll tear down those stockings that were hung by the chimney "with care".
It was a good day.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Wrapping Presents (With a Cat)
Why Kittymas is SUCH fun...
1. Clear large space on table for wrapping present.
2. Go to wardrobe and collect bag in which present is contained, and close door.
3. Open door and remove cat from wardrobe.
4. Go to cupboard and retrieve rolls of wrapping paper.
5. Go back and remove cat from cupboard.
6. Go to drawer and collect transparent sticky tape, ribbons, scissors, labels, etc.
7. Lay out present and wrapping materials on table, to enable wrapping strategy to be formed.
8. Go back to drawer to get string, remove cat that has been in the drawer since last visit, and collect string.
9. Remove present from bag.
10. Remove cat from bag.
11. Open box to check present, remove cat from box, replace present.
12. Lay out paper to enable cutting to size.
13. Cut the paper to size, trying to keep the cutting line straight.
14. Throw away first sheet because cat tried to chase the scissors and tore the paper.
15. Cut second sheet of paper to size by putting cat in the bag the present came out of.
16. Place present on cut-to-size paper.
17. Lift up edges of paper to seal in present, wonder why edges now don't reach, and find cat between present and paper. Remove cat and retry.
18. Place object on paper, to hold in place, while cutting transparent sticky tape.
19. Spend next 20 minutes carefully trying to remove transparent sticky tape from cat with pair of nail scissors.
20. Seal paper down with transparent sticky tape, making corners as neat as possible.
21. Look for roll of ribbon; chase cat down hall and retrieve ribbon.
22. Try to wrap present with ribbon in a two-directional turn.
23. Re-roll up ribbon and remove paper that is now torn, due to cat's enthusiasm in chasing ribbon end.
24. Repeat steps 12-22 until down to last sheet of paper.
25. Decide to skip steps 12-16 in order to save time and reduce risk of losing last sheet of paper. Retrieve old cardboard box that you know is right size for sheet of paper.
26. Put present in box, and tie down with string.
27. Remove string, open box and remove cat.
28. Put all packing materials in bag with present and head for lockable room.
29. Once inside room, lock door and start to re-lay out packing materials.
30. Remove cat from box, unlock door, put cat outside door, close door and re-lock.
31. Lay out last sheet of paper. (Admittedly this is difficult in the small area of the toilet, but try your best!)
32. Seal box, wrap with paper and start repairs by very carefully sealing down tears with transparent sticky tape. Now tie up with ribbon and decorate with bows to hide worst affected areas.
33. Label, then sit back and admire your handiwork, congratulating yourself on making good of a bad job.
34. Unlock door, and go to kitchen to make drink and feed cat.
35. Spend next 15 minutes looking for cat, before coming to obvious conclusion.
36. Unwrap present, untie box and remove cat.
37. Retrieve all discarded sheets of wrapping paper, feed cat and retire to lockable room for last attempt, making certain you are alone and the door is locked.
38. At time of handing over present, smile sweetly at receiver's face, as they try and hide their contempt at being handed such a badly wrapped present.
39. Swear to yourself that next year, you will get the store to wrap the darn thing for you.
1. Clear large space on table for wrapping present.
2. Go to wardrobe and collect bag in which present is contained, and close door.
3. Open door and remove cat from wardrobe.
4. Go to cupboard and retrieve rolls of wrapping paper.
5. Go back and remove cat from cupboard.
6. Go to drawer and collect transparent sticky tape, ribbons, scissors, labels, etc.
7. Lay out present and wrapping materials on table, to enable wrapping strategy to be formed.
8. Go back to drawer to get string, remove cat that has been in the drawer since last visit, and collect string.
9. Remove present from bag.
10. Remove cat from bag.
11. Open box to check present, remove cat from box, replace present.
12. Lay out paper to enable cutting to size.
13. Cut the paper to size, trying to keep the cutting line straight.
14. Throw away first sheet because cat tried to chase the scissors and tore the paper.
15. Cut second sheet of paper to size by putting cat in the bag the present came out of.
16. Place present on cut-to-size paper.
17. Lift up edges of paper to seal in present, wonder why edges now don't reach, and find cat between present and paper. Remove cat and retry.
18. Place object on paper, to hold in place, while cutting transparent sticky tape.
19. Spend next 20 minutes carefully trying to remove transparent sticky tape from cat with pair of nail scissors.
20. Seal paper down with transparent sticky tape, making corners as neat as possible.
21. Look for roll of ribbon; chase cat down hall and retrieve ribbon.
22. Try to wrap present with ribbon in a two-directional turn.
23. Re-roll up ribbon and remove paper that is now torn, due to cat's enthusiasm in chasing ribbon end.
24. Repeat steps 12-22 until down to last sheet of paper.
25. Decide to skip steps 12-16 in order to save time and reduce risk of losing last sheet of paper. Retrieve old cardboard box that you know is right size for sheet of paper.
26. Put present in box, and tie down with string.
27. Remove string, open box and remove cat.
28. Put all packing materials in bag with present and head for lockable room.
29. Once inside room, lock door and start to re-lay out packing materials.
30. Remove cat from box, unlock door, put cat outside door, close door and re-lock.
31. Lay out last sheet of paper. (Admittedly this is difficult in the small area of the toilet, but try your best!)
32. Seal box, wrap with paper and start repairs by very carefully sealing down tears with transparent sticky tape. Now tie up with ribbon and decorate with bows to hide worst affected areas.
33. Label, then sit back and admire your handiwork, congratulating yourself on making good of a bad job.
34. Unlock door, and go to kitchen to make drink and feed cat.
35. Spend next 15 minutes looking for cat, before coming to obvious conclusion.
36. Unwrap present, untie box and remove cat.
37. Retrieve all discarded sheets of wrapping paper, feed cat and retire to lockable room for last attempt, making certain you are alone and the door is locked.
38. At time of handing over present, smile sweetly at receiver's face, as they try and hide their contempt at being handed such a badly wrapped present.
39. Swear to yourself that next year, you will get the store to wrap the darn thing for you.
Monday, December 04, 2006

'Twas the night before Christmas
and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring,
not even a mouse.
'Cuz the cat had pounced on him
and tore him apart-
Ate his mousey intestines
And chewed up his heart.
Kitty thought he heard sleigh bells,
which made him take pause-
He stopped daintily licking
the blood from his claws.
"Must be Santa" thought Kitty
(that quite clever cat)
'Cuz nobody else climbs down
the chimney like that.
Indeed it was ol' Santa,
so jolly and fat
With a load of presents
and all for the cat!
"Wow, the best Christmas ever!"
Kitty thought with a purr,
Then he coughed up a hairball
and shed some more fur.
from Uncle Bionicdwarf!!
Friday, December 01, 2006

Mum says we have our Secret it's time for a shoppering list.......

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