Guys! Guys!
Mum says we can holds Luna's Welcome Home purr-tay here (if she likes) next Friday! (It was going to be tonight but Mum is gonna have her hands full at the Palace)!
We'll tell you all about it in plenty of time......
Flying the flag for UK Poodins and waving a paw at our friends in Mericky and elsewhere!
Fluffie jail?
[hides under sofa]
Update: It was the V.E.T........... we both wented to see Uncle Tim.......
Charlie: I'm fine. Uncle Tim sticked me wiff a needle. He says I'm a gorgeous colour and ruffled my coat lots. He also says now I am growed he finks I am part Maine Coon. My underbite is less pernounced (they fink 'cos I'm older now). And then he clipped my clawsies.
Pandora: I am very well, apparently. Uncle Tim calls me 'gorgeous'! My bladder is fine, although the Horrible One made me poorly yesterday. My eyes are ok, but they have a blue caste with age. I don't have the bad hips my Mum was worried about, but Uncle Tim says I have a bad back 'cos of my advanced age. He spent a long time looking in my eyes, and clipped my claws. Uncle Tim likes me! :-) Oh, and I'm NOT 18 - I'm 17!! I can't believe Mum made such a mistake with my age!
And we got pressies from Uncle Tim - 'cos it is Pet Smile Month.
the bags had bikkits for us to help cleans our teefs
and information for Mum.
Mum says she isn't helping me post the pictures of my victims, as that may be disturbing for ickle fluffies......
Mama and Daddy went away and left me with the Horrible One. I got all stressed out and now I'm sick, and it's ALL their fault - so I'm peeing on their carpet!!
The water is still on.......
And my special treat is - Mum gots a bouncy castle, shaped like a wild fluffie! She says, though, please no clawsies..........
Mum says the party can go on as long as people want - if we're in bed, help yourselves to nip and a dip in the pool.......
Pandora is over at Ayla's place helping her to sellybrate her burpday......
ooh look! I gots a present from the Mostly Black Cats!
Nope - scratch that!! Mum has double booked herself again and I can't type without her yet.....
My Party is now on Friday 15th September at 10pm UK time.
They put a notice in a local magazine of sort. Also, a group (guessing friends/family) are going to go look for her Sunday. They are ahead of us in timeby approx 6 hours. (That would be Saturday evening & night our time.) I think we need to hold a major prayer vigil through Saturday afternoon-night. My suggestion is to offer prayers throughout the day and evening that they find her during their search, and have a power vigil at 9 PM EST Saturday night. This is a chance for us to really pray Luna home.
We are...
Praying Luna home!
Cathy and Beau