Friday, August 18, 2006

It's here! It's here!

We gots our Secret Paw!! All the way from Mericky!!

It was from Mrs Sniffles - and d'you know? For a bunny (and a beautiful one at that! - cq) she has the most excellent taste in fluffie toys!

We gots a tunn-ell. It's cool, makes crinkly noises and has a dee-vine little fluffy ball in it. Mum says best of all, when we're not playing wiff it she can close it up and put it away!

And I gots fevvers!! I loves fevvers. We gots a toy wiv eiver fevvers on it or it can have a fishy on it - I likes the fevvers best. It's supposed to hang on the dorrhadle, Mum says, but it hasn't got that far yet [munch].

My mum is so pleased wiff her new phone wiff video, she filmed me wiff my Secret Paw! And she has ovver videos she's gonna up-load to ewe-tewbe.


And dear Mrs Sniffles, please thank Bunny Mommy and Bunny Daddy for the most wonderful crinkly New York Times - it was very comfortable for my old bones! Inspired packing [big feline smile]



Mrs. Sniffles said...

I have watched the video and it is awesome!! It is great to see the paws in action.

PrincessMia said...

Purrrrrfect Secret Paw! I love the video!

Zeus said...

Those sound like wonderful Secret Paws gifts! Have lots of fun with your new toys!

Victor Tabbycat said...

What great gifts! Charlie, you ARE the dude! We gots to figur out yur YouTube ID and make you our furiend. But we're already furiends, right?

Anonymous said...

Hello Sweet charlie,
Love the video graet secret paw toys.

Susie said...

Ooooh - we liked watching your video - that toy looks fun (you know how we love birds)! We can't wait to get our secret paws!
Kimo & Sabi

Shaggy and Scout said...

We watched the video a couple times. It's great to see out cat friends in action. Nice toys you got!