Sunday, April 09, 2006

Does my bum look big in this?

pandora: That Charlie is sooooooooo fat - look at my lovely sleek lines and his big old fat bum...

charlie: My bum isn't big! Uncle Tim says I'm just a healthy big boy, is all [pokes out tongue].............Mum!!

[Mama: Guys, the one day you actually eat side by side and you're STILL bickering??
Pandy, you're gorgeous, honey. Everyone says so.
Charlie, you're!!]


The Meezers or Billy said...

Pany IS gorgeous. Charlie, you're furry fluffy.

Just Ducky said...

Charlie, you are just a fluffy kitty. You both are pretty kitties.

Anonymous said...

I lurve Charlie's fluffy tushie. That is one heck of a tail.

Boni said...

Charlie has the fluffiest tail I've ever seen. Even fluffier than Pepi's. And Pandora is gorgemous!

Unknown said...

Charlie is beatiful!! Don´t worry nad be happy!
I will be one soon! I wait that yours coming to my birth party! all day.. Luna =^^=

Anonymous said...

Hey Charlie like I said before your cute even your bum.

Fat Eric said...

What a great picture. Don't worry Charlie, what I always say is that you and I are not fat, we're just extra fluffy! And Fluffy is Good, right?

Ayla said...

The Mom calls it having a different bone structure. Pandy is sleak while Charlie is a mush.