Monday, April 24, 2006
Over to Pandora
Cod stinky goodness!!
[licks lips dripping with stinky goodness jelly]
I LOVES my mama.....
and I ate Charlie's too!!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Form an orderly queue.......
ooh - I was SO scareded! Mum took me out in the garden (no harness, I prefers to sit on Mum's shoulder where I am safe - and have a better view!) and we wuz just mooching around getting some fresh air 'n' stuff.....and there was a huge bang........and a crash........and when Mum and I walked around the corner of the house, there was a BIG hole in the wall and lots of noisy stuff going on! I was so scareded I was shaking..........
Then Daddy came out of the hole in the wall. I wasn't expecting him, so it scareded me even more!
Mum cuddled me lots and whispered sweet nuthin's in my ear.....but, guys! Watch out for those big holes in the walls - I think dragons live in there!
charlie (still a bit wobbly)
[Mama: it was the back door to the garage - and all the noise was Daddy dropping stuff! :-) - OK Pandora's turn.........]
I'm STARVING........Mama hasn't fed me ALL day since brekfust. I mean, I know there is biscuit, but I have no TEETH!!
And Daddy is no better - he had chicko for his dinner and didn't give me any, not one measly mouthful.......
I'm wasting away, I'm starving to fact it's all so traumatic I am going to sleep........
[Mama: Pandora has decided, after many years of happily miunching Duck stinky goodness, that she doesn't like it. There are bowls of food down and she's still doing a fair impression of a starving animal...........
Update: I would like to point out to all those caring fluffies that Lady Pandora has a nice varied diet. She has a mixture of wet and dry, every day she has prawns (cos it's the only way to get her to take her medicine), she regularly has oily fish for her stomach, bowels and glossy fur, and she does have boiled chicken and fish occasionally (not often cos her digestive system is as old as she is) but she's not keen on them!]
Sunday, April 16, 2006
¡Feliz Cumpleaños Luna!!

¡Es hoy cumpleaños de la luna! ¡Es su primer cumpleaños!
Nos pensamos si toda la opinión hola.
¡Si usted desea hablar en español, recomendamos este Web site!
Today is Luna's birthday!! She is one year old and very pretty!!
Go visit her blog and say hello.
If you want to speak in Spanish, we can recommend this website!
charlie and pandora
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Btw - she says no pets (I know she don't mean that really!) but your moms and dads are welcome.
So, anyways, she was having in--in--sum-- a sleepless night last night so she was up half the night spiffing up her blog for the party.
When Blogger didn't play she shot off an email this morning asking why her published blog didn't match the template or the preview!
So, anyways, she's tired now. But she has to go shoppering and then out to help celebrate Uncle Cyberkitten's birthday.......
I wokes her up!! It was three on the clock, 'cos she cursed me and told me it was three - like I care! I just wanted to play!!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
It's Here...It's Here!!!
Look, there's even a card with Tyler on it and a lovely message... 'Just dropping by to say I hope Spring brings baskets of joy your way!'
It came in a box; good start - boxes are always top of my list.....
[checks around] ...and this would be mine - a lovely cosy fluffie warmer for warming my aching old bones after a day fighting with charlie......
[coughs] and I believe the box is mine too!
cooooool new stuff - and treatsies! These are salmony treatsies. Salmon is a fishy! [looks proud]
This is my 'purple no fall downey thing wiv fevvers' - it's cooooool......... wonder how it works........?
Mum! Where'd you put those treatsies.........??
s'ok! Found 'em!! And my 'purple no fall downey thing wiv fevvers'.......wonder if that tastes like salmony.......nope [makes face]
woo hoo! split level playing!
how's the whole box thing going for you, pandora?
shh.........don't tell..........
all thanks to our Secret Paw........ we loves you Tyler - even though you is a woofie!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Does my bum look big in this?

pandora: That Charlie is sooooooooo fat - look at my lovely sleek lines and his big old fat bum...
charlie: My bum isn't big! Uncle Tim says I'm just a healthy big boy, is all [pokes out tongue].............Mum!!
[Mama: Guys, the one day you actually eat side by side and you're STILL bickering??
Pandy, you're gorgeous, honey. Everyone says so.
Charlie, you're!!]
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Pets to the Rescue!!
Please visit Genuine. Mama told us about Genuine and the nice bean baby who died recently aged only 6.
Bean Genuine and his family are supporting their neighbours after the death of their son and Genuine's childrens' best friend, Ben.
For every comment on his blog, Genuine will donate $1 to a plaque in memory of Ben.
Bean bloggers have made it to $100 - can us fluffies/woofies/buns make it to $200?
Update: Genuine has been in touch by email - he's a very nice bean and so far he is in for $125 towards Ben's plaque. What a generous man he is :-)
And if anyone wondered what our mama looks like - she has posted a picture of herself on her blog - with a blurpy thing! What's wrong with us, eh?? Just 'cos we don't sit still long enough to be photographed??
pandora and charlie