It’s time for the Fiesta to celebrate
coming home safe to her mama.
Es tiempo para la Fiesta para celebrar
Bonito de Luna
La volviendo a casa segura a su madre.
All fluffies, woofies
rats, buns and uffer aminals
are invited!
We got nip......
an' running water.....
an' shrimptinis.....
an' a ballpit (I killeded the bouncy castle)
It's past 1am here in the UK and Mum is starting to look at her time thingy on her arm.
But the party will go on for the American kitties........plenty food and toys :-)
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 241 of 241Gotta catch me first! (Takes off across ball pit)
Ha! Beau, you can't fool me by purrtendin to be a nony mouse.
{races around ball pit)
I get lotsa practiss chasin Bonnie.
That was me that said that. The comment thing's so full it's acting funny. (Chases after Victor in playful hot pursuit)
What's a nony mouse? Is it some kind of speschul whisk0con-sin mousie?
*watchin' boys chase each ofur around*
Silly boys!!
I think it's a country (vs city) mouse. We're rough and tough MEN!!
CHOMP!! Gotch your tail Victor! NOW, what you gonna do?? heehee
Don't know! I's seen a nony mouse comments all ofur, so I don't fink it's just from Whiskonsin. Maybe the blogosphere's got bugs.
Beau musta caught a blog bug. I WANT ONE!!!
{Turns and jumps back over Beau}
Moment of reality: Bonnie and Victor are sitting behind me, unusually close together, and she's not fussing.
I fink i'm gonna stay out of y'alls way!
Momma's yawning at the we's gonna teleport back home. Are you gonna come by tomorrow Victor?
Don't worry, Emmy, I's careful efun when I'm wild an crazy.
{butt wiggle.... and.... pounces on Beau's tail}
(Beau stops) Bonnie and Victor, I think it's very special how close you are and how well you get along. It makes me want a sibling!
Carefule what you wish for Beau!! I gots 2 and I didn't wish for ANY!!
Emmy, I'd love to visit. Would you like to visit Whiskinsin next week? The trees are all turnin colors right now, an we can see them frum the windows wifout goin outside.
Meeko, I'm not too worried. Mom says I'm all she can handle! heehee! (Jumps, spins around mid air and swats Victor's tail coming down)
Beau, mosta the time, Bonnie's a growlin, snarlin, hissin beast who waps me on the face alla time, but I keep tryin to play anyway. That's why it's acitin when she's near me an not mad. Right now, Mom can hardly pet her at all wifout getting growlin and hissin. Bonnie didn useta be like that. She was nefur snuggly, but sumfin bout hafin me here reely tiks her off.
I think it's that she really does like you a lot, but she just doesn't want you to know it!!
I keep tryin' to play wif the ofurs...but they get all hissy too.
No we don't!!! ~M&K
Yes, you do. ~Momma
Victor, I would love to come up to whiskinsin(purrs)...but momma sez that the ofurs gots to come that ok? Momma also sez they she gots fambly up there, in lake geneva. well, not *IN* the lake.
If she likes me at all, she hides it furry, furry well! But I don't let it bother me. Mom says I's an op-tim-est. What efur that is, I's a happy boy.
Oh, I'd luve to haf alla you visit. We got lotsa toys an treats an we should all be able to see the leafs out the window. Mom's furiend "boss" grew up near (not in) Lake Geneva. She's been there an said it's furry purty.
Beau, you could come see the leafs next week, too. Anyone's welcome.
We're gonna head off to bed now. G'night y'all! Fanks for havin' the party Charlie and Pandora!!
~Meeko, Kiara, & Emmy
Victor....let me know about tomorrow and next week.
Emmy, Meeko, Kiara: see you tomorrow! Buensa noches!
(Pounces back) You are a very happy guy, and lotsa fun! I hate to say this but mom is calling me so I gotta go! I had a wonderful time! Thanks for being such great host and hostess. Please tell Luna (again) how happy I am for her! Night everybody! Waves paws!
Oops - that was aposed to be buenas. Paws.
G'night y'all!
Good night, Beau! Nice seein you!
{Jumps an chases Beau around}
Are the trees turnin colors in colo springs?
Goodnight, efurryone! Buenas noches, sueños dulces.
Goodnight Chalie, Pandora, and yur mom! Fank you fur the lovely party.
Great Party - Shrimptinis are delicious!
By the way, thanks for comin' by to play in our caption contest!
Hello everyone, can i have a party too?
Hi! We are late, but we are here!
Welcome home Luna!!!!!
Good morning, kitties! you cats know how to party!!
[Mum starts clearing up ready for round two]
wow! I don't know what those cats get up to when I'm not here.
Balls everywhere, salmon on the curtains (that'll probably be Eric!), chicken down the back of the sofa, fur all over the place...
SWEETIE HERE: I am sorry I couldn't get here sooner Charlie and mommy has had a couple of difficult days, so we have not been able to "party"....but I'm here now and happy to be here, too! WOW! Look at all that yummy food! Num Num, Num....
Welcome home Luna! We missed you and we're so very happy that you're home!!
Good Morning everyone! oh! my head!=^^=
Hola hermosa Luna, parece que lo pasaste muy bien!
Nosotros mandamos a nuestro representante Dominó, y ya anda haciendo gatorradas por ahí...
We are sorry we missed the party but we wanted to let Luna & her family know we are very happy she is back at home safely.
I have the sore head of the brilliant party of yesterday!All it gives returns me... muhahahaha!
Ugh, my head - I think I left my collar here last night or this morning or...oh, there it is. I want to thank you again for the wonderful party and say that we are thrilled that Luna found her way home. See yoo later.
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