And this is where we went..........
nice ickle house, isn't it? - and where our V E T is........[shudder]
Would you like to meet our V E T?
This is Uncle Tim in a place called 'Down Under'........looking after little wall -ababies.....
anyways, enough photies.....
I got a good going over. When I goes in for my gerry-hatrick check-up Uncle Tim is always very thorough. Eyes, ears, joints, heart, [coughs politely] waterworks, trim nails and finally a good old stroking! He likes me, he says I look amazing for an 80 yr old! Don't I JUST!
Then charlie got a thorough check up. He had all the usual bits checked; ears, heart, coat, nails trimmed and then Uncle Tim had to look in his mouth, 'cos charlie has got weird teeth.......yup, it's official - charlie's teeth are odd! And then to finish off with, he got this big injection and afterwards he BEEPED! yep, snotrag now beeps!!
[Mama; charlie has been fitted with a thermochip, so he cna be identified if the worst happens and his temperature can be read without a thermometer!]
What?? You mean charlie doesn't have to have that cold wet stick up his bum??
[Mama; yep - they're new!]
[looks faintly worried] do I still have to have the cold wet stick up my bum?
[Mama: yep!!]
life's just SO not fair...........[mumble grumble]
[Mama - but, Pandy, you beep as well, you know!!]