Friday, July 21, 2006

Party Time!

At 10pm UK time (that's about 4-5pm in Mericky), in about an hour, Pandora's Party will kick off!
If we're not here when you arrive, it'll be 'cos it's the middle of the night here, and we will be doing our usual shift walking on Mum and Daddy's faces....but everything will still be here, so party on and if we can get back we will!

She's 18yrs old on Monday and Mum said I could arrange a party tonight for her.

We have multicoloured nip for the nipheads.......

We have Shrimptinis for those that like them......

And Russianless White Russians for those with a taste for the finer things.....

Mum has instructed taps be left on for drinking.........

As it's blinkin' hot here, Mum has said we can use the pool - but no taking a whizz in the water [looks guilty]

And finally, my favourite!! Mum has ordered a tramamapoline for us younger kits.......!!

and as an extra treat, for the more mature felines - shot chess, with the finest nip brandy and scotch! (What? You didn't know nip brandy was BLUE!?!)

did I do good, Mum?? Did I??? Huh? Huh?

Pandora [yawning]: oh look!! A party fit for a feline of such beauty and poise.....and shrimptinins! Charlie, you're not all bad.

Now there's just time for a quick nap before the guys start teleporting over.


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Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Hi! We are here.......we brought a ton of stinky goodness and set it down by the party table where the gifts are. There is also a gift from us, it is in the purple paper (of course, Momma loves that color) Hint as to what it is: it is edible and momma grew it so it is fresh.

Patches and Mittens

The Meezers or Billy said...

HI!!! WE'RE HERE! YAY! A trampoline! bouncy bouncy bouncy! Hey Charlie, lets see who can get into outer space! - Miles

Miles - tone it down a little bit - it's nighttime here and we don't want to be rude to Pandy and Charlie's mommy and daddy. - Sammy

Hi Patches and Mittens! Hi Pandy and Charlie! We broughted some shrimps for the shrimptinis, and a purresent for Pandy

Hi Mittens - your bestest furriend Trixie

craziequeen said...

ooh Purple, Mama loves purple too.....

I'll just put it over here with the other gifts - can't wait to see what's in the one from 'Johnny D' (he's a fan, you know!)

[offers platter of shrimp]

shrimp, anyone?

Miles, I think Charlie is by the pool, why don't you go and wake him up?

PrincessMia said...

Hi guys! Happy Purrthday Mistress Pandora!

Hi Patches & Mittens.
Hiya Meezers!

craziequeen said...

Mia,. how lovely ...

[presses generous russianless white russian on the princess]

It's been so long since we did this!

Girls? A turn by the pool while the children play on the trampoline.......?


Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

Hi efurryone! Happy Purrthday Pandora!
We brought some salmon. Yay, a trampoline, that'll be lotsa fun! You did a great job, Charlie!

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

OK, I'm heer. So ware's the 'nip?

craziequeen said...


Catch me, Miles!!!!!!!!!!


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

{Mittens runs over to see her furrend Trixie and gives her a big hug}

Hi there Meezer gang and Princess Mia.......

Happies Purrday to Pandora and a big hello to Charlie.

Patches Lady

Come on Trixie, let's go sit by the fan.

Mittens Pollypaws

The Meezers or Billy said...

WHEEEEEEE! I loves the trampoline Charlie!! - Miles

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Hi Smeagol and Strider and hi to Rocky (I don't think we know you.)

Patches Lady

Anonymous said...

Yoo can clik here to see my birthday card for yoo. So, yoo got any Pitr Pats?

PrincessMia said...

wheeee! The trampoline!





The Meezers or Billy said...

Hi Pandy - I'm so glad to be here - us 18 year olds have to stick together. Sitting by the pool would be so nice! - Trixie

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

What am Pitr Pats????

The Meezers or Billy said...

Mittens, my bestest furriend, you are so nice. the fan feels furry good. should we go see what's going on at the pool for a little while? - Trixie

PrincessMia said...




Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Mittens and Trixie saunter off to the pool.

Patches heads for the nip table.

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

I'm an FOS: Friend of Skeezix. The Skeezster shood be along shortly. Hope yoo don't mind me crashing yer party. I herd yoo had the good nip: all buds, no stems.

The Meezers or Billy said...

Hi Mia!!! Would you like a russianless white russian, or a shrimptini? - Sammy

The Meezers or Billy said...

Mao! YAY!! Mao's here!!!! More Meezer fun! Come bounce wif us! - Miles

The Meezers or Billy said...

Hey Rocky! how are you? Mao! I snuck some pitr pats out of the house. I loves them too - Miles

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

::Patches joins Mia:



{Bounces to high and falls off}

craziequeen said...

Mao, what a great card!

[puts card on show by the presents]

Rocky, charlie put nip out for you all, Mama bought the good stuff - rainbow coloured!

Charlie! Boy! Get out more nip!!

I'm going to walk by the pool with the girls..

[grabs tray of nip brandy]


PrincessMia said...

Hi Sammy!

{briefly stops bouncing to sip on her white russian}

All this bouncing is thirsty work.

Anonymous said...

Pit'r Pats are skrumshus treets. Here, have some. I don't uzhually share, but it is a party...

Big Piney Woods Cats said...


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Oh, thanks, these pitr pats are licious....Can we get them in Mericky???

craziequeen said...

[watching Mia in awe]

Miles! DUUUUUUUDE!! Look at the nice lady bouncing on the tramamapoline.......


The Meezers or Billy said...

Patches, are you ok? - trixie

The Meezers or Billy said...

Pitr Pats are treats the come in little tins. They are furry furry good. - miles

craziequeen said...

[delicately nibbles PitrPat]

hmm - liver........[nibbles another]


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Hey, Mittens, Momma needs to buy us some pitr pats!

Never and Trixie are so busy talking you aren't even listening to me.


The Meezers or Billy said...

Patches, Mommy gets the pitr pats at PetSmart. - Miles

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Pandy, you are looking so good for being a senior cat. How do you keep your svelt shape? I have got a bit of a belly these days.


PrincessMia said...

Hey Charlie! You wanna bounce with me?

The Meezers or Billy said...

Charlie Dude - Mia shur is purrty and furry bouncy - Miles

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

See, that is the trouble when you live in the sticks, no PetSmart......only WalMart....


The Meezers or Billy said...

if we gets more kittie on the trampoline, then we might be able to reach outer space! - miles

PrincessMia said...




{double flip}


The Meezers or Billy said...

Mommy used to get them in the ham store (he means grocery store- Sammy) but they stopped carrying them there. You can always order them from the internet. - Miles

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Thanks Trixie, yes I am fine, my pride is hurt a bit....think I will sit and watch Mia and get the hang of it, she has done this before, you can tell, wow, look at the height that girl is getting!


craziequeen said...

Miles, if'n me and Mia go to outer space, how will we get back - please don't say we falls!! :-((

Cor, this bouncing is hot work - anyone for the pool!?!


The Meezers or Billy said...

WHOA!! Mia! AWSOME double flip! - Sammy

The Meezers or Billy said...

Hey Smeagol and Strider - want to go in the pool wif me and Charlie? - Miles

PrincessMia said...

Phew! I think I need to take a rest and chat with the girls. {Takes a sip from her drink}

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Mittens and Trixie curl up and watch all the excitement. They start purring....

Patches climbs back on the trampoline and tries to mimic Mia.

craziequeen said...

Oh Patches, how nice of you to notice..... :-)

I'm very aware of my weight. I don't eat much, throw up regularly and old age helps.....

I have broken my golden rule and allowed Mama to comb me for tonight......usually I bite her fingers off!


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Come on over Mia.......girl talk here........

Skeezix the Cat said...

Sorry I'm late, I had to let evryone know ware I was. Hope yoo don't mind if I invited a cuppul more cats. Hey, wut's that bouncy thing! WO! Yoo can jump reeely hi on that! How do yoo make it go?

The Meezers or Billy said...

lets see your double flip Patches. I'll spot you! - Sammy

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

Sure Miles, we'll try the pool! (We're not sure how we are at swimmin', though...)

craziequeen said...

[climbs out of pool looking a tad bedraggled]

Look! Mum showed me how to bomb!

[curls up in ball and jumps in pool creating mini-tidal wave]

oops sorry, Miss Mia.....


The Meezers or Billy said...

Hey Skeezix - nice to finally meet you and Maobert and Rocky! - Miles

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Mittens does the throwing up too. I wonder is she is bulimic or something, but she is fatter than me, so probably not.

I can trll you got a good brushing, look at that shine!


The Meezers or Billy said...

oh, the pool feels furry nice. I likes to get in the tub at home wif a little water in it. i fink i'll try a "kitty paddle" - Miles

craziequeen said...

skeeeezix! You came! [big feline smile]

The trampoline? You just bounce and it does it for you...

The boys are messing around in the pool.......


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

::Sigh:: Charlie, the life of the party.

New faces here at the party....
:Walks around on all 4 paws introducing herself:

The Meezers or Billy said...

I know about the frownig up part. and the brushing part - I didn't want mommy to brush me eifurr. But wif my long fur, I have lots of mats lately. - Trixie

The Meezers or Billy said...

Hey Skeezix, wanna swim wif us? How do you like it Smeagol and Strider? - Miles

craziequeen said...

Smeagol, Stryder - DUDES!

Mum has made it cat-proof, so if you can't pussy-paddle, just puts your feet down and you'll touch the bottom.......

[throws ginger fluffy body down slide]



Big Piney Woods Cats said...

I hate water so will keep playing on the trampoline.

I notice Mittens and Trixie about ready to nod off.


Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

Hey, this kitty paddlin' isn't so hard! The water's so nice and cool!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Heer's my card. Hope yoo like it. And heer's my gift: a Skeezix the Cat Teddy Bare. Exkyooze the shameless self promoshun, but I didn't have time to stop at the Pet Store before I came.

craziequeen said...

It's not bad throwing up, just hairballs (being summer) and sometimes I bolt my food.

But I have my medicine from Uncle Tim everyday which keeps my waterworks working fine, so no worries with THAT at the moment.....

Uncle Tim [sips from russianless white russian] has asked to be invited to my 20th birthday.....


The Meezers or Billy said...

cool water slide! WHEEEEEE!!!! - Miles

The Meezers or Billy said...

Patches and Skeezix, can I bounce wif you? - Miles

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Oh, I dont know about a flip, I am scairt. Catch me Sammy
::::Patches Flies up in the air::::

The Meezers or Billy said...

Mittens, fank you for watching out for Trixie. We promised Mommy that we would take care of her, so let us know if she needs anyfing if we are playing. - Sammy

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Come on Miles, there is room.....


Skeezix the Cat said...

Meezers, yoo are insane if yoo think I'll get in that big lake with yoo. I'm gonna try owt the trampoleen if Patches is okay with that. Mind if I join yoo?

The Meezers or Billy said...

YAY Patches! You did a flip!!! - Sammy

Skeezix, do you wanna try a flip? - Sammy

craziequeen said...

Skeeeezix! I love teddy bears, in fact I had to steal one of Mama's for my bed.....

Thank you, my handsome friend!

[offers nip and waves at garden with tramploine and pool]

Mi casa es su casa and all that...


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

I would like some quiet time with Trixie, I will take care of her, she is napping right now, I will go sit by her.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Meezers, what's shakin'? Anybuddy seen Rocky?

The Meezers or Billy said...

::splash splash splash:: - Charlie Dude, I LOVES your pool. You and Pandy are so lucky! - Miles

Anonymous said...

How much 'nip has Shawn had? He's not a professhunul singer, is he?

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Come on Skeeeezix...... come on and jumpy high.....


The Meezers or Billy said...

oh oh oh yowling - I mean singing! Hey Zoo, can I sing when you are done? - Miles

The Meezers or Billy said...

Hey Maobert, wanna to a Meezer duet when the Zoo is done? - Miles

craziequeen said...

[hanging onto catrail on pool]

[huff puff]

I know, my Mum is special. You know, she got this 'specially for the party - it's a rental!

[watches Skeeeezix on trampoline]

whoa! Will you look at that cat fly!!


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

{Patches gets down and goes over to Mittens and Trixie to catch her breath}

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

Hey, the slide is great! Oh, and we likes to sing lots, too. We'll haves to try out the karaoke thing in a bit!

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Hey, Mao, look at the Meezers! They look just like yoo! I woodn't mind jumpin' in the pool if thare's sumthing for me to flote on... I don't want to have to akshully SWIM.

Hey, hoo splashed me?

craziequeen said...

[sits by pool under umbrella]

[waves glass in paw]

I think I saw Rocky in the nip a while ago, wow, that boy can pack it away!!


The Meezers or Billy said...

oh, I has a great idea!! Cat chorus. We can to "Bohemian Cat-sody" there are lots of parts! - Miles

Skeezix the Cat said...

OMG, this trampoleeen is GRATE! I think I mite hit an airplane!


The Meezers or Billy said...

Hi Patches - you were great on the trampoline! - trixie

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

{Mittens gets some cool cups of water for her and Trixie}

craziequeen said...

[pulls out various inflatables]

Rocky? We have floatable cats, dogs, couple of dolphins, rings, mattresses.....

[watches carefully]

Guys! NO CLAWS!!


The Meezers or Billy said...

hey, we has to watch Skeezix, he's seems kind of light - we really could launch him into outerspace. - Miles

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Thanks Trixie, it was scary......I am pretty good on the balance beam, but jumpy high like that is pretty intense.


The Meezers or Billy said...

Fank you for the water Mittens! - Trixie

Skeezix the Cat said...

"Scaramouche,scaramouche will you do the cat tango!!!"

Thunderbolts of litening, very very fritening, me!!!


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Momma said we should do a chat thing for these parties..


Skeezix the Cat said...

WO! Was that the space shuttle????


craziequeen said...

[clears throat]

[coughs gently]


Everybody wants to be a cat,
because a cat's the only cat
who knows where it's at.
Everybody's pickin' up on that feline beat,
'cause everything else is obsolete.
Now a square with a horn,
can make you wish you weren't born,
ever'time he plays;
and with a square in the act,
he can set music back
to the caveman days.
I've heard some corny birds who tried to sing,
but a cat's the only cat
who knows how to swing.
Who wants to dig
a long-haired gig
or stuff like that?
When everybody wants to be a cat.
A square with that horn,
makes you wish you weren't born,
ever'time he plays;
and with a square in the act,
he's gonna set this music back
to the Stone Age days.
Everybody wants to be a cat,
because a cat's the only cat
who knows where it's at;
while playin' jazz you always has a Welcome mat,
'cause everybody digs a swingin' cat.
Everybody digs a swingin' cat.


Skeezix the Cat said...

Uh oh. Suddenly I don't feel so good.

I think I shood git off.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Hey, Pandora, who is this Rocky guy???


Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Skeezix barfed. Oh, MAN!!! Rite neer the dip, too....

craziequeen said...

Skeeezix? You feeling green?? I did that too.......first time....

That tree over there is good for barfing.......


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

{Gets a cold cloth for skeezix to put on forehead}

You got to be careful of the air sickness.


Anonymous said...

So, Princess Mia, sownds like yer frum the south. Do yoo have a boyfrend? Want me to git yoo a Shrimptini?

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Come on and lay down by Trixie, Skeezix. Helps the whirlies....


craziequeen said...

Have some of you not met Skeeeezix and Rocky?

Skeeeezix kindly came over to wish me happy birthday a coupole of days ago, so I invited him. Lovely boy, even though he has no fur to speak of....

Rocky is his friend, he seems a nice chap, bit blunt, but then the gutter will do that to a bloke....

[munches on ham]

mmm - who brought this great ham??


Skeezix the Cat said...

Sorry, guys. I'm just gonna sit by tree for a littul wile. That cloth feels good on my forehed. Thank yoo!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Lovely song Pandora, do you have the sheet music for that?


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

I think the ham came from Miles...he is a hamaholic....


craziequeen said...


Dude! If'n you go in the pool, then go on the tramamapoline - you gets a blow dry!!

[fluffs already obscenely fluffy fur]



craziequeen said...

oh Patches, thank you.....

That si my party piece, I have been practising for ages - because charlie said there might be karaoke.

I'll see if Mama can dig up the music.....

Miles, honey - this ham is fantastic!
[munches on more ham]


Tyler & Jagger said...

Tyler & Jagger wish you a Happy Birthday!!

craziequeen said...

Thank you, Tyler and Jagger!

Tyler was our Secret Paw at Easter, you know.... he has excellent taste for a woofie....


Skeezix the Cat said...

There's HAM?? I'm feeling better alreddy!

Beau said...

Hey Everybody! I finally got here! Happy Birthday Pandora! Here's your present. I also brought kibble stinky goodness and some tuna juice.

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

Hey Beau! Good to see you! Guess what? We learned how to kitty-paddle! It's really not hard, and the pool water is sooo nice in the hot weather.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Skeez, whatcha got thare? Is that HAM??? Wo! Better than Pit'r Pats! Thanks for bringing the ham, Miles!

craziequeen said...

Beau, darling, you made it!

[purrs gently at friend]

I saw your email about Daisy, we'll link to her tomorrow, that should get her attention....

Skeeezix! Save some ham for the others!


Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

What's a "bloke"? Man, after all that 'nip, I'm a littul hungry. Is that ham??

craziequeen said...


Do we have any ham?????


Skeezix the Cat said...

I've never seen so much ham in my life! Man, this is grate stuff!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Skeez', slow down thare, littul buddy.

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Mao, I thot yoo didn't eet ham. Hey, Skeez', yer looking a little green.

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Hey, Bo, got any toona joose left?

Skeezix the Cat said...

I think I'm gonna go lie down by the tree.

Beau said...

Hey Smeagol & Srider, I'll jump in the pool shortly. Pandora, I'm sure Daisy will appreciate that. I hope everyone here says something in there blog so that she might see it. It made me feel bad...but enough of that. To what do you owe your longevity too?

Beau said...

There's plenty of tuna juice Rocky, and mom went all French with my name and spelled it B-E-A-U. Go figure!

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

So Bo spelld B-E-A-U: yoo wanna hang out by the pool? I've got some good 'nip.

Beau said...

Sure Rocky, sounds like fun!

Beau said...

Smeagol & Strider, would you like to join Rocky and me at the pool?

craziequeen said...

Mama has laid out an extra table, as there are lots of new friends here as well as our dear blogbuddies....

[looks critically at table]

ok, fresh shrimp, fresh prawns, new batch of ham, herring, salmon, I think that's beef, and there's some chicken on the end........

and charlie is mixing some more drinks

[indicates charlie, nose in cocktail book, shaking mixer vigorously]


Anonymous said...

Did sumbuddy say thare was shrimp??? Don't nobuddy get between me and the treet table!

Beau said...

Somebody say prawns? oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!!!!!

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

This pool feels grate! Anybuddy wanna play Marco Polo?

Beau said...

Pandora, I just got an email and some people trying to comment are getting "Comments have been disabled on this post" messages. Can you have someone look into that? Thanks!

Lone Star Purrs said...

We're here....sorry we're late, we we're napping wif Momma. Happy Purrfday Ms. Pandora. We broghted a pressie AND meow-garitas! Enjoy!!

Unknown said...

Hola! I´m here! WoW! Cool! Wheeee! Bouncing,bouncing!
Yo llevaré la Paella Española para comer Yummmy! =^^=

Beau said...

MEEEEEEEEEE! I want to play Marco Polo!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe comments were disabuld becuz we were making too much noize. Did the nayburs call the police?

Beau said...

Hey LSPs and Luna! How are you! Come on over to the pool!

Unknown said...

Saludos desde España Oleeeee!
Cumpleaños feliz in spanish for you !! =^^=

Skeezix the Cat said...


Spock said...

Hey guys!! I'm here!! I think I'll take some of this nip (wow look at the purrty colors!) ofur here in the corner....

craziequeen said...

Mama has freed up the comment to 'Anyone'.

But it happens sometimes at these parties, you know.......too much talk :-)

Luna, my sweet girl, thank you for coming. I think charlie is over by the pool......

Skeez, honey - have a lie down for a bit....let the ham settle.......


Shaggy and Scout said...

Hi All! Took us awhile but here we are! Where's the tuna juice? And is there any ham left? We want to eat first, play later!

Myst and Blackie said...

Hello everyone - happy purrthday Pandy!

Lone Star Purrs said...

Hi efurryone!!! Great party!
I don't know what I want to do first....swim, jump, or have a drink? ~Kiara

craziequeen said...


Shaggy, Scooby, how lovely to see you - and Oreo too!! :-)

What would you like? Mama just put out a fresh table and charlie has mixed some fresh shrimptinis and nip brandies.

Oreo? I'll get Mama to open another packet of nip. Isn't it pretty?


craziequeen said...

Mia! Ghost! [mwah, mwah] you made it!

[offers shrimptinis]

and Kiara - you're looking sleek, did you go to the furdresser??


Shaggy and Scout said...

SHRIMP?!?!? Bring it on! Hey Scout...behave yourself ok? -Shaggy

Anonymous said...

Hey Mia, Ghost, SS&S! How are your moms doing???

craziequeen said...


SCOUT!! DUDE!! We're in the pool!! You'll love it.......


Spock said...


Skeezix the Cat said...

Mao, can yoo take me home???

Shaggy and Scout said...

Scout: "WHOOPIE!!!" -jumps in pool-
Shaggy & Scooby: Hi-ya Beau...Our mom's ok today. It's our beandad's birthday today (lots of b'days this week) and she celebrated by going out to the bookstore and buying herself some books. She & dad are going out later, so we can stay here a long time!

PrincessMia said...

Sorry, I had to step away, but I'm back now. I see I missed a whole bunch!

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

PRINCESS MIA! Where've yoo bin all my life, byootiful?

Skeezix the Cat said...

C'mon, Mao, I'm not feelin' so good. Can yoo take me home??

Anonymous said...

Crap, Skeez, the party'z just gitting started. Look! Everyone's in the pool! This is a GRATE party! Just lie down till the feeling goze away.

Lone Star Purrs said...

Fanks for noticin' Pandy! Actually yes, Momma brushed bof of us this morin' when she gotted home from werk.

Meeko & I just mixed up a batch of Meow-garitas! Y'all enjoy!!!

(momma has to go hunting for a little while. We'll staying, but won't be commenting.)

craziequeen said...

Skeez - you been overdoing it, honey?

Here, sit by me [pats clear bit of ground] here in the shade and have a nice long drink of water...


Myst and Blackie said...

Thank you for the shrimptini Pandora...

Beau, our mom is okay but she just started calling the computer names & had to restart it

Skeezix the Cat said...

Thanks, Pandy. Yer very very nice. Sorry if I ruined yer party by ralfing.

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

OK, who can do the biggest cannonball into the pool??

PrincessMia said...

Hi there Rocky!


Anonymous said...

Hey Oreo! How are you! Pace yourself with that nip! Glad your mom's okay SS&S. Mom feels bad she hasn't been able to call her again (yet). Skeezix, if you want I will take you home. Hey everybody, I'm going to take Skeezix home. Mom says I got to go for a while anyway 'cause it's fixing to go boom and flashy here again. If I don't get back, Have a great tiem and happy birthday Pandora! Good meeting the new ones!

craziequeen said...

That's ok, Skeez [whispers behind paw] at my age, I throw up a lot!

But never mind, have a lap at this lovely cool water and watch Rocky!

OK Rocky, show charlie how to cannonball!!


Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Git reddy to blush big-time, Princess Mia: I'm gonna looze this stoopid swim soot!

PrincessMia said...


Skeezix the Cat said...

Wow, Beau, thanks. I reely appreshiate it.

[smiles greenly]

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

OK, Mia, yoo next!

PrincessMia said...

hahahahahaha {laughing at Rocky}

PrincessMia said...

Sorry Rocky, but my suit is built in!

PrincessMia said...

Gotta run boys and girls, I'll try and stop back again later. Have fun and lovelove to Pandora.

muah, muah.

Anonymous said...

Any toona joose left? Hey, Mia, wathcit, yoo splashed me!!

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Bye, Mia. Hey, can I have yer number? I'll call yoo, I promis!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

We can post again!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Rockster, I think thare outta toona joose. Maybe we shood take that wite rat Skeezix home.

craziequeen said...

[whispers to Scout and Miles]

She's NEVER that nice to ME.....

perhaps I should throw up more often???


Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

I think Beau took Skeez home. I want to do a few more cannonballs into the pool before I'm reddy to leeve.


craziequeen said...

Mao, while Rocky is still in the pool, would you like to try a shrimptini - or there are some really refreshing miaowgaritas over there......

Patches and Mittens! So glad you could get back.....I don't know what went on with the comments here :-(

The boys are having a ball in the pool.......


Anonymous said...

Oh, Pandora, be still my hart! I do hav a thing for older wimmen!

The Fluffy Tribe said...

Woohoo what party. We brought some curly-gigs for everyone to try and we want to try the trampoline. Wow Happy Purrthday Pandora, you sexy cat you. ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko

Myst and Blackie said...

We have to go check on Mom's food. we will be back

craziequeen said...

[blushes under calico fur]

why, thank you boys.....and Mao - it's very sweet of you to say so, but I'm afraid I am far too old for you.......really, I am..... :-)

[waves glass around garden]

I have to go in and help Mama and Daddy got o bed now - a women's work is never done.....

But the party will continue. Mama has put out a fresh table, the trampoline and pool are all yours!

If you get tired, the nap pile is over there, under that decking....where it's cool....

[blows kisses]

See you all tomorrow...



Bean bedtime, boy, come on.......we have work to do.......


craziequeen said...

[scuffs paws]

don' wanna.....

playing wid mah dudes.......



Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Thanks for the curly gigs, Merlin, Shadow and Ko Ko. Come on out by the pool!

Anonymous said...

Did Pandy just blow me off? C'mon Rocky, let's GO!

craziequeen said...

see? Look....Fiona's here........

[drags paws back towards house]

And Rocky's still in the pool....

[gazes longingly over shoulder]

I don' wanna do bean bedtime....


Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Sorry, y'all, but Mao is gonna have a stroke if I don't leeve with him rite now. We hafta make shoor Skeezix got home okay, anyway. So, it's back to the gutter for me. Thanks for a grate party!

Dianne said...

I'm a straggler, sorry to say! I wish you well on your 18th big birthday. The party is still rolling, so please save a shrimptini for me!

Just Ducky said...

I finally made it guys. It toom mum forever to come home and turn on the "puter.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Hi Pandora! Happy puurthday! Efurryting looks so goood and yummy! That am an awesome pool you has too.

Just Ducky said...

Hi Beau Beau and Angie. I see you didn't get here much earlier either. It is way hot here in England. Makes it hard to play in this heat.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Hi Derby! It's so hot here too. That pool looks so invitin'. Watch out Angie -- weeeeeee! Splash!

Just Ducky said...

Sorry Beau Beau. I am not into swimming pools and getting wet. I will sit with Angie and chat. Have a little snack from the buffet. Can I bring you anything Angie?

Myst and Blackie said...

Hey we are back - what is going on?

Just Ducky said...

Hi Mia and Ghost. Not much happening. Beau Beau is doing bellyflops into the pool.

Myst and Blackie said...

We don't care to get our paws wet so we will just watch Beau Beau.

Just Ducky said...

Yes, Angie and I are just watching as well. Having a little snack. Can I get you anything from the buffet or beverage tables?

Myst and Blackie said...

We'd love some of the shrimptinis. How are you Angie?

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